
Graduate Students

  • Chunhui Liu 
    Chunhui obtained his M S in Chemistry from Lanzhou University, P. R. China in 2000 and joined Dr. Pandey’s group in September 2007. His interests are in understanding the physics of nanoparticle toxicity.
  • Saikat Mukhopadhyay 
    Saikat obtained his M S in Physics from University of Pune, India in 2005. He continued research (quantum chemical calculations of electron transfer probability in organic solids) for a couple years in NCL, India. He joined to Dr. Pandey’s group in Fall 2007. His current projects involve studying the electronic structure and properties of metal oxides & metal clusters using ab-initio methods.
  • Xiaoliang Zhong 
    Xiaoliang obtained his M.S in Physics from Lanzhou University, P. R. China in 2007 and joined Dr. Pandey’s group in September 2007. His interests are electronic transitons based on first-principle simulations.


  • Haiying He Ph.D / 2009 
    Electron Transport In Molecular Systems
  • Gowtham Ph.D / 2007 
    Development of A High Performance Parallel Computing Platform and Its Use in the Study of Nanostructures: Clusters, Sheets and Tubes
  • Kah Chun Lau Ph.D / 2007 
    First-Principles Studies of Boron Nanostructures : Clusters, Sheets and Nanotubes
  • Huitian Jiang Ph.D / 2003 
    Theoretical Study of Scintillating Flouride Crystals – Methodolgy and Application 
  • Anil Kandalam Ph.D / 2002 
    Electronic Structure Calculations of Group III Nitride Clusters
  • Kai-hua Xiang Ph.D / 1999 
    A Theoretical Study of Structural and Electronic Properties of H-silsesquioxanes
  • Suresh Sampath Ph.D / 1998 (Co-Advisor : J. C. Cordaro) 
    Synthesis and Study of Oxide Spinels
  • Peter Zapol Ph.D / 1998 
    Calculations of Bulk and Defect Properties in Binary and Ternary Semiconductors
  • Manoj Rathor M.S / 1996 (Co-Advisor : M. Krishnamurthy) 
    Electrical Characterization of MBE Grown Ge1-xCx Thin Films
  • Michael T Ulmor Ph.D / 1996 (Co-Advisor : D. J. Keeble) 
    A Positron Annihilation Investigation of Open Volume Defects in GaAs Grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy
  • Sundar Veliah Ph.D / 1996 
    Density Functional Theory Calculations of Metal Oxide Clusters
  • Amin Sutjianto Ph.D / 1995 (Co-Advisor : S. W. Tam) 
    Study of Dissociative Hydrogen Adsorption on Lithium Oxide Terraces and Steps
  • Upendra Puntambekar M. S / 1995 (Co-Advisor : S. Seidel) 
    Simulation of Point-Defects in Magnesium Sulfide
  • Xiaoyang Yang Ph.D / 1993 
    Structures and Stability of Alkali Fluoride Micro-Clusters
  • Sanjay Sood M. S / 1992 
    Ab Initio Hartree-Fock Calculations of Structural and Electronic Properties of Magnesium Sulphide and Magnesium Selenide
  • Xiaoyang Yang M. S / 1991 
    Hartree-Fock and Monte Carlo Simulation of Alkali Halide Clusters