Group Members in Houghton
Group Members in Ann Arbor
Principal Investigator
Dr. Yoke Khin Yap
University Professor, Professor of Physics
Professor Yap is interested in the fundamentals of synthesis, characterization, and applications of functional materials, including zero-, one-, and two- dimensional B-C-N nanostructures (carbon, boron nitride, boron carbon-nitride, carbon nitride, boron, etc); Transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs); and ZnO nanostructures. In addition to basic research, we are dedicated to creating broader impacts of new nanomaterials on people, health, the environment, and renewable energy harvesting.
Faculty Profile in Physics Department Webpage, CV in PDF, Yoke Khin Yap in Wikipedia
. Dr. Dongyan Zhang Research Associate Professor Current Research: Molecular Biology, Biotechnology, and Bio-nanotechnology Email: Dr. Anjana Asthana Research Assistant Professor Current Research: In-Situ AFM-TEM and STM-TEM analysis of nanotructures Email: . . Ph.D. (2013), Michigan Technological University Current Research: Market Analysis, Business Development, Organic & Bioorganic Chemistry Email: . Ph.D. (2014), University of Science and Technology China Current Research: Organic & Bioorganic Chemistry Email: . B.S. (1993), Perdue University M.S. (2001), Purdue University Current Research: Chemical Functionalization of Nanomaterials, Nanobiochemistry Email: B.S. (2020), Michigan Technological University Current Research: Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomaterials Email: B.Sc. (2018), University of Michigan, Flint Current Research: Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Nanomaterials Email: B.S. (2021), Michigan Technological University Current Research:Synthesis and Characterization of Quantum Materials Email: Zohreh Salimi B.S. (2010), Meybod University, Yazd, Iran Current Research:In-Situ TEM Study of Electronic and Biomedical Nanostructures (with Dr. Anjana Asthana) Email: Join Uddin B.S. (2019), University of Chittagong, Bangladesh Current Research:Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Quantum Nanostructures Email: Raksha B.S. (2018), University of Delhi, India Current Research:Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Quantum Nanostructures Email: B.Sc. (2022), SRMV College of Arts and Science Affiliated to Bharathiar University, India. Current Research:Optical properties of Low-Dimensional Materials Email: B.Sc. (2018), Central Department of Physics, Tribhuvan University, Nepal M.Sc. (2021), Amrit Campus , Tribhuvan University, Nepal Current Research:Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Quantum Nanostructures Email: . •Yap Group 2021/2022-2 •Yap Group 2021/2022-1 •Yap Group 2020/2021-2 •Yap Group 2020/2021-1 •Yap Group 2019/2020-2 •Yap Group 2019/2020-1 •Yap Group 2018/2019 •Yap Group 2017/2018 • Yap Group 2016/2017 • Yap Group 2015/2016 •Yap Group 2014/2015 • Yap Group 2013/2014 • Yap Group 2012/2013 • Yap Group 2011/2012 • Yap Group 2010/2011 • Yap Group 2009/2010 • Yap Group 2008/2009 • Yap Group 2007/2008 • Yap Group 2006/2007 • Yap Group 2005/2006 • Yap Group 2003/2004
Research Professors
Research Associates
Dr. Nazmiye Bihter Yapici
Dr. Xiu Ling Liu
Research Assistants
Rodney Oakley
Matthew Cowles
Current Graduate Students
Jeffrey Kabel
Aleister Kerr
M.S. (2013), Science and Research University,(SRBIAU),Tehran, Iran
M.S. (2020), University of Chittagong, Bangladesh
M.S. (2021), Amity University, India
Vinaayak Sivam Balasubramaniam
Kumar Neupane
Current Undergraduate Research Students
Former Post-doctoral Researchers
Former Graduate Students
Former Undergraduate Research Students
Previous Group Photos