These free lesson plans were created through the support of the National Science Foundation(NSF) grant and Michigan Technological University’s Physics Department. The Physics Department offered a Research Experience for Teachers, which allowed the author(s) to partner with scientists and post-secondary students working in the Michigan Tech group of the larger HAWC (High-Altitude Water Cherenkov Gamma-Ray Observatory) collaboration on gamma-ray astrophysics.
Click HERE to view the lesson plans, organized by content (background/general science, astronomy/space science, and physics/core science) and separated by learning phase.
Michigan Technological University is located within Ojibwa (Chippewa) homelands and ceded-territory established by the Treaty of 1842, the shared lands and waters of Native American nations in Gakiiwe’onaning (Keweenaw Bay), Gete-gitgaaning (Lac Vieux Desert), Mashkii-ziibing (Bad River), Odaawaa-zaaga’iganing (Lac Courte Oreilles), Waaswaaganing (Lac Du Flambeau), Miskwaabikong (Red Cliff), Wezaawaagami-ziibiing (St. Croix), Zaka’aaganing (Sokaogon Mole Lake), Nagaajiwanaag (Fond du Lac), Misi-zaaga’iganiing (Mille Lacs), and Gaa-mitaawangaagamaag-ininwag (Sandy Lake).