Former Group Members
- Cameron J. Shock (PhD, 2023):
- Tong Gao (PhD, 2022): Adjunct Teaching Assistant Professor after posdoc at Louisiana State University
- Zack Hjorth (MSc, 2022): Radar Algorithms Engineer/Scientist, Maxar Technologies
- Sai Prashanth Kumar (Research Associate, 2021): Engineer, General Motors, AZ
- Sonali Mohan (PhD student, Fall 2020): Prof. Huentemeyer’s group, MTU
- Lisa Eggart (PhD student, 2018-2019): Prof. Pandey’s group, MTU
- Zhenyue Yang (PhD student, 2014-2018): Assistant Professor at Northeast Normal University
- Lijun Liu (postdoc, 2017-2018): Associate Professor at Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Hongbo Chen (PhD, 2018): Assistant Professor at Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Ziwei Qian (MSc, 2018):
- Xiaozheng Duan (postdoc, 2017-2018): Associate Professor at Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Undergraduate Students:
- Grand Lambert (undergraduate, 2023-2024): MS students in the Department of Physics, the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
- Casey E. Aldrich (undergraduate, 2021-2022: The Elizabeth Henes Award for an Outstanding Woman Physics Graduate)
- Keaton Schmidt (undergraduate, 2018-2020): Caterpillar Inc. after MS Student in the Department of Materials Science & Engineering, MTU
- Sidney Feige (undergraduate, 2018-2019)
- Collin Granke (undergraduate, 2018-2019)
- Alan Larson (undergraduate, 2018) Prof. Pati’s group, MTU
- Daniel Johnson (undergraduate, 2017)