
Poster Session Info and Tips

Poster Overview

Poster Dimensions

30” x 40” (landscape or portrait) is preferred.

Creating a Poster

  1. Make a Sketch
  2. Assemble Data
  3. Decide on Layout, colors, and fonts
  4. Decide on Sections
  5. Print and show advisor/colleagues

Poster Judging

Selected judges will be rotating through the posters and grading your presentation on a set rubric. The attendee with the highest score will receive a prize! For all participants, the judge’s feedback will be sent to you.

Poster Tips

  • Find the story in your poster and make it shine
  • Articulate hypothesis
  • Identify cause and effect statements
  • “And, but, therefore” sentences
    • Ex: This and that, but something, therefore end of sentence
  • Funnel your work through awareness, interest, decision, action (AIDA)
    • Catch awareness of audience
    • Peak their interest
    • Decide to want to learn more
    • Take action to read and converse with poster information

Presenting Tips

  • Should not be over practiced
    • Poster Presentation should be more of a conversation between you and the audience
    • Responsive rather than reciting a memorized spiel
  • Keep presentation within 5 minutes

General Tips

  • Keep background simple to help make reading easier
    • White backgrounds can make it easier to emphasize sections 
  • For poster colors, keep in mind the research and have a theme.
  • Most important is to make sure text is readable!
  • Less is more when it comes to how much data to include
    • Stick to the data that is best at communicating the main idea of your narrative