Workshop to Explore Science Opportunities and Concepts for a Large-Scale Aerosol-Cloud-Turbulence Research Facility
Pi Chamber Simulation Workshop
The workshop took place May 23-24, 2019 at Michigan Technological University, with the purpose of discussing simulation and modeling efforts related to the Pi Chamber. Specifically, part of the focus was to develop a cloud-chamber case for the Cloud Modeling Workshop to be held in 2020 prior to the International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation in Pune, India.
Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Art Sedlacek
- Fan Yang
Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS)
Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self Organization
- Eberhard Bodenschatz
- Prasanth Prabhakaran
Mesa Photonics
- Andrei Vakhtin
Notre Dame University
- David Richter
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Stevens Institute of Technology
- Yong Meng Sua
- Corey Packard
University of North Dakota, Department of Atmospheric Sciences
University of Oklahoma
- Scott Salesky
University of Utah, Department of Atmospheric Sciences