The NSF Community Instruments and Facilities (CIF) program makes the Pi Convection-Cloud Chamber and an extensive set of supporting instrumentation available to the atmospheric sciences community for investigations of atmospheric processes that include aerosols and clouds. The Pi Convection-Cloud Chamber is designed to simulate cloud conditions within the range of pressures and temperatures that occur in the lower part of the atmosphere (the troposphere). The Pi Chamber and supporting instruments comprise a facility that enables measurement of thermodynamics, turbulence, aerosol, and cloud properties for research in the atmospheric sciences. For example, there is a record of research in aerosol-cloud interactions, ice nucleation and mixed-phase cloud properties, cloud optical properties, and turbulent moist convection.
The Pi Chamber facility is available for usage through request as part of the NSF “Facility and Instrumentation Request Process (FIRP)”. The Pi Chamber facility is proud to be among 16 other world class facilities that incorporate the NSF “Facilities for Atmospheric Research and Education (FARE)”. Before formally requesting usage, it is strongly encouraged to contact one of the CIF PIs to discuss the feasibility of the envisioned education or research activities:
Will Cantrell
Claudio Mazzoleni
Lynn Mazzoleni
Raymond Shaw (PI)
To submit a formal request please fill out this form.